Name: Tanya Snell
Occupation: Marketing and Communications Manager for a JV investment firm
Contact information:;;
Previous political experience: Currently the elected SCDSB Trustee (Collingwood-Wasaga Beach) from 2018-22
Why have you decided to run? This election is a pinnacle one, many decisions will be made at the council table that will impact our town for generations to come. I know that with the combination of my professional background and years of community service, I will contribute a fresh, creative and collaborative perspective.
How will you embrace and champion diversity in this role? I believe our youth are our future and that their voice should be included in our community. I am excited to see how the Youth Advisory Council is working and to add both support and ideas to strengthen its success for both our community and the experience for the participants.
What are your top three issues? Review and reinvigorate our tourism plan, ensuring we have a robust marketing plan ready to launch for 2023; Work with council to reinstate our walk-in clinic and attract other essential services; Prioritize the downtown development plan to work with landowners to ensure we are creating a cohesive look and feel.
If elected, what do you plan to champion in your first 100 days? Review existing financial plan for the new arena/library and explore additional funding options; To establish an ambassador program to improve the experience for our guests and promote business and respect for our community; With council’s support, will pull together landowners in the downtown core to establish a collaborative working group.