Speak Up Wasaga!

“Should the Town of Wasaga Beach hold public meetings before selling the beachfront properties to Bayloc Developments?”

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Have Your Say About Beach One Redevelopment.

The Town of Wasaga Beach has terminated negotiations with Slate Asset Management for the sale of the taxpayer-owned Beach One properties. Negotiations with Bayloc Developments (Baycliffe) have started and are expected to be complete by April 30, 2022. The Town’s public engagement portal does not provide a way to submit comments on the sale; the Town’s Facebook page does not allow comments at all. This survey asks if you want the Town to hold public meetings before the sale or not. It also asks if you think an audit of Bayloc should be done before the sale. The results will be made public.

The beachfront redevelopment project has been a divisive issue in our community. Without public engagement, there is simply no way to know how people feel about the sale of Beach Area One to a residential developer. With the negotiations completed by the end of April, there is no way to deal with the sale as an election issue.

Whether you support this sale or not, your voice should be heard. There is no going back once the properties are sold. The decisions made by this council will dictate what The Beach will be for generations to come. Not only the taxpayers that give up their ownership of these lands will live with this sale; all the visitors with years of fond memories and all those we hope to attract in the future will judge what is done here now.

This is your chance to “Speak Up Wasaga!”

Survey Results

Results are not scientific. As the informal findings of a survey presented to the readers of this site, they reflect the opinions of those readers who have chosen to participate. Every effort has been made to reach the broadest audience possible in order to hear from supporters of both sides of the questions. The survey is ongoing and results will be updated periodically.



This is the single most important issue to the Town Of Wasaga Beach. This area is our greatest asset and is what attracts visitors year after year. It is a prestigious area and what makes Wasaga unique and famous. This project should be treated very openly, and with the utmost of care,unlike the arena project. If not done correctly, this could be disastrous for the town. I don’t know what the hurry is, and this should become an election issue. Why is this so secretive?

The citizens of this town should expect no less than the opportunity to understand why the Council selected the 5th placed bidder that didn’t meet a passing grade.

I feel very strongly that our mayor has placed roadblocks to any input from the citizens of Wasaga Beach who pay for the Beachfront Property. Canada is still a democracy and those who hold public office are obligated to represent the people. In selecting Bayloc Developments, a residential builder with no transparency or input from the community feels much more like a dictatorship. I worry that our beachfront will be ruined by having it taken over for residency purposes only.

No way should this plan be allowed to move forward without resident’s having their say. Absolutely no residential housing should be allowed to be built on the Beach site(s).

I suspect the Town wants to complete this deal before the upcoming election. I am suspicious the same

Please, please don’t sell these lands. Once sold, we can never get them back. Such a shame that it has come to this. Stop and think what you are selling and why. Please we need these lands to be for public enjoyment, once gone that’s it!

I want transparency. I want to know what they are proposing. I wanna know what the costs are going to be. I wanna know how much money the city is getting for the land.

With a score of a fit for the Town’s requirements of only 38%, that states that this company has FAILED to meet the criteria. Who in the Town is driving negotiations with a candidate who has FAILED to meet the criteria? The math shows this will be yet another FAILED attempt on the beachfront, with many of the same ole councillors at the helm. Obviously, the intent of this Mayor and Council is to get something signed by the October election, and their motives need to be scrutinized !

As a taxpayer of Wasaga Beach, I feel that the public should have input to the sale of the Beach area. The area needs to finally be developed to bring in revenue to the town.I don’t believe that Bayloc Dev is the right developer for the job, especially with the low rating it received.

We want to see the actual details of the plan. 38% seems too low. Why not wait for better offers. Will there be any restaurants and stores for tourists?

The Mayor and Councillors are public servants, they have a moral responsibility to listen to the taxpayers opinion.

How can fifith choice get to number one?

Beach area should not be sold but can lease it out

Initial score of 38% shows that Baylock is not qualified for this development, I believe that that Fram was the best choice and that we have wasted 4 years and a lot of money with for zero benefit… VERY FRUSTRATING

It is critically important that democratic process takes place on this topic. We cannot allow a small handful of individuals to make a decision that will have such a dramatic impact on our community. It’s frightening that we have to ask to be included in the decisions that will permanent impact our town.

I have no confidence in this council or this mayor to get it right, we need new direction under a new leader. Is this not an election year, nothing should go forward til after that.

We need to have some say as residents because previous plans fell through.

The vision fir the waterfront and beach area should be fully expressed to and debated by the community to develop a clear and concise plan.

No Condo’s on beach 1.

It is absolutely necessary for the taxpayers of this town to have a say, with a project of this magnitude which will have an impact on our tourism for years to come, should not be left in the town councils hands only, but a joint effort with council and the taxpayers of Wasaga Beach.

This council works for the resident of Wasaga Beach. They have a duty to listen to the people of this town. Not doing so is wrong in so many ways but also illegal!!

I don’t believe this developer is qualified to develop our beachfront and it’s ties to the mayor and members of council cannot and should not be ignored.

Since Baylock scored so low, and didn’t present any concept drawings, even though the stated they where working with an architect, they could/should present them to residents. A Third party Audit, given their low score should be required. Why would we sell the Beachfront properties with due diligence. Remember the Levy Brothers. I sure do.

No condos in what should be the entertainment District at the main beach! Reopen beach drive!

Bayloc’s RFP rating score was dismal. A new RFP needs to be administered. Beach 1 needs to remain unrestricted to community and public access. Proper due diligence and full transparency is critical. The longest freshwater beach in the world needs to be protected against any ‘over’ development. Tourism needs to be the focus of Beach 1.

We should be a welcoming Tourist Attraction as we used to be. Housing is not what we need on our beach but Vendors/Food Trucks/Clean Washroom Facilities and Fun for Families and Seniors alike!

The Beachfront is prime real estate. No way should it just be sold off to a low end developer without it being part of an overall plan and it’s value should be recognized. Further, with an election so close this Council should not rush through some sweetheart deal to a friendly developer. Let the election be where the people can be heard on this council’s record and their plan for this land compared to others.

We need to start a class action lawsuit against the Town of Wasaga Beach Council to stop this atrocity.

Ensuring the bidder has the capacity in all areas, financial, equipment and experience to successfully complete the project is absolutely necessary.

The Main End should endeavour to have year round activities. Not mainly condos on Beach1 follow the original downtown plan as much as possible

As residents of Wasaga Beach we should most definitely have a large input on what is proposed for the property that we own! Let’s make Wasaga Beach great again!

I am personally against the sale of the land, “period”. This parcel of land is a diamond in the rough, with exceptional qualities and potential. It just needs to be refined and polished. We should keep the land, and polish it as a community, for residents and visitors alike to enjoy it’s brilliance for years to come. It’s value will surely increase over the years. Please Don’t give it away.

Endless Closed door meetings

Taxpayers need to have input on the redevelopment of our beachfront

I want my say, as a Wasaga Beach Taxpayer! We’ve already waited years for a development plan for OUR Beach Area 1, and now we want to jump into an arrangement with our second choice developer without a public input. What’s another few months to do it right.

there seems to be serious questions on Bayloc’s capabilities and i don’t trust the present council’a jugement.

I would like the same public input and consultation that went into the last council’s plans.

38%, enough said

This “negotiation” with Bayloc is just desperation to try and get any deal done so it doesn’t look like a failure. By there own ranking criteria Bayloc simply does not qualify for such a key development. The Assessment team has little or no expertise in negotiations for this significant landmark development. The right thing to do is to simply stop this process, admit failure and reassess a brand new RFP process under the next Council after the 2022 election.

The beach is our identity, it is imperative that public input occurs

Our jewel is our beach front. It has history, and needs to be developed with tourism and history. Quaint shops, restaurants overlooking the water. Needs to be no more than 3 stories tall. 6 storey condos do not belong on our beach. The plan that Fram had was well thought out with a lot of public input. Selling our beach to a 3rd rate builder with no public input is beyond criminal.

With hundred’s of millions of dollars and Wasaga Beach’s future at stake, the town government must involve the residents and taxpayers of this Town in the Downtown and Beach 1development process. To move arbitrarily forward without public support, with a developer that has no experience in a project of this magnitude, is to welcome a disastrous result for the future of Wasaga Beach.

The beachfront development is too important to be planned behind closed doors without public feedback. I question whether a municipal government in its last year of governance should be undertaking such an important project.

The beach area needs a hotel resort feel to it. Maybe a water park within the hotel or something where it would have all year use.

After spending my youth in Wasaga Beach, it was ironic that we have decided to retire here. However, for the past 3 years, I have witnessed numerous “tactics” used by the Town Council when dealing with the public, and seemingly pushing their own agenda. Casino improprieties, $60M Arena, shutting out local media outlets from meetings, and now the complete lack of public engagement in anything that the Council wants to push is absolutely ludicrous. Beach One history should be celebrated, not sold.

Developers need to be vetted and I as a taxpayer want be appraised of the viability and compatibility of this developer.

Please keep puplic access to the beach. No quantityed space for condos. The beach is the town.

Developers need to be vetted and I as a taxpayer want be appraised of the viability and compatibility of this developer.

Mayor and council are incompetent to make decisions for this town.

Public input is extremely important with a project of this scale. These properties should not be sold without a concept proposal or third party audits. Due diligence is extremely important as this council seems to be scaping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to partnering with developers of our beachfront.

I am concerned with the ability of Baycliffe to design and complete a comprehensive and well built waterfront.

I may be a new resident to the community but from what I’m hearing it sounds like we may have some corrupt politicians….if this is true I want to get to the bottom of it!

Has this Council forgotten they work for and represent the Tax Payers of Wasaga. We pay the bills and the pay. Funny how this democracy works?

Full disclosure is required for all the sale of all publicly owned properties that will affect the future of the Beach properties. We must ensure full and easy access to the Beach for future generations.

Don’t sell the beachfront, it should be left to the provincial park.

The beach should be accessible to all. No private beaches or restricted access. Can we not sell public lands to condo and hotel developers please! Let’s take our cues from places like Martha’s Vineyard and keep big box developments and Mcstores out. Keep signage small and discrete as opposed to neon and garish. Why do we want our lovely small town to cut down trees. Do we really want to pave paradise to put up a parking lot?

This is a huge decision that will affect our community (positively or negatively) for generations to come, it is important to make a wise decision based on key information that both an audit and public input would provide.

This development can either make or break the world’s largest freshwater beach. It warrants a strong, reputable developer to work with the town and its people to ensure the upmost results.

The Ratepayers Assoc. have from the start been a group of Brian Smith and his Council’s supporters. That whole Council was voted out except Joe. B. That should tell you how this community feels about the downtown plan that Council had. BUT the so called Ratepayers Assoc. will not back off. Their members have created a climate of hate in our beautiful little town. This survey is another attempt to put down this Council. In their eyes, this Council can do nothing right. Shame on the Assoc!

This is prime property and , I would think, very valuable and important to keep in the hands of Wasaga Beach and its taxpayers. Yes, it should be redeveloped and updated, but I think Wasaga Beach should maintain control of the property. Who knows what will happen to the valuable beachfront if it is sold to a developer. The beach is there for residents and visitors to use an

Our Casino is smaller than what the public was told. Council did us a disservice. Now they don’t even hide that they’re making back door agreements. We are owed transparency. We know nothing of the concept. We know nothing of Bayloc. We know nothing of the financial impact to taxpayers. What is being kept from us? This council is acting irresponsibly and should be held to account for their actions before ink hits paper.

As a newcomer to Wasaga Beach, we are very interested in knowing more about what is planned for our towns greatest asset. Please make this an open process.

A draft development plan should be in place prior to the sale of the property

This has gone on too long, let’s get something done.

Reclaim the land a as was over 200 years ago.

No condos on beach 1and 2 !!

Beach area one is our history of who we are and should remain historical for generations to come. Condos do not belong on this stretch. This area should be a development that everyone can enjoy for all seasons of the year. Shops, restaurants, similar to Port Credit in Mississauga, with the ability to enjoy the beautiful beach that surrounds it. We need attraction to bring back tourists. Wasaga needs the tourists. Do not solely depend on the residents of this Town to keep everything going.

The beach should be maintained (not decreased in size in any way). No residential development should be added ie condos. Bike paths and park space can be added, and perhaps some small shops (coffee shop, bakery, retail)

Maybe sell some land on Beach Two ! Not main Beach !

The previous council held public meetings over 4 years ago. There have been many changes since then, so YES, there NEEDS to be public input before a decision is made.

It’s unfortunate that the election will not happen before this deal can be made. This council has no respect for the residents TAXPAYERS of this town

Taxpayers deserve full transparency. The beachfront is what Wasaga Beach is. This council should not be making unilateral decisions that affect the future of the Beach.

Beach one has deteriorated, and fresh ideas are needed. But private ownership, and awful condo’s are not.

We should have the best, most experianced company fo the work. This project will make or break the town for a very long time. Why settle for the 5th place developer who has no experiance with projects of this size or importance?

Counsel was elected by majority vote to make decisions on our behalf. I trust in their ability to make the decision based on the information they have.

It’s time for some transparency with the current.

Public consultation should be mandatory

Bayloc has no experience or reference in mixed us commercial-residential development, no experience in beachfront redevelopment, I doubt this company has the financial back-up for such a project… their rating to the RFP response was very low, they don’t seem to qualify. and his vision and plan has not been shared with the public.

We have one chance to take advantage of the beach front. We have to do this right!

The Main Beach areas of Wasaga Beach are the lungs of our one and only industry and are our TRUE legacy, a legacy of making people HAPPY for well over a century. Truth and Transparency is imperative as we move to revitalize this area, in hopes of bringing our industry back! Public input should be demanded.

We’ve had public involvement many times. The mayor knows what people want, and ignores it. Another meeting, recorded and documented, and yes a third party audit. People need to realize we are a tourist town. And need to make it appealing. Beach 1 is a crown jewel and so much could be done to make it an attraction. Building an arena here hopes for hockey tournaments and then no hotels per season for them to stay. Business will all end up in Collingwood. Short sighted on so many fronts.

We need to make sure beach 1 is kept as a tourist destination.

My fear is that Bayloc will not be able to complete the project as they do not have the experience on building commercial developmemts

Would a referendum be useful on this item of importance ?

lets get going on this this has taken years to get to this point, please no condos

Having come to Wasaga since the sixties and owning up rooerty since 2009 we have now made Wasaga our permanent home. I cannot believe the all that I’m reading about the in fighting of council and residents. This is like I was back in the classroom listening to children arguing without anything important to say. I will say that I would like to see town input before major decisions are made. Any decision without town input sounds like it would not be in the interest of Wasaga as a whole.

Get rid of the mess down there and let’s have something that isn’t an eye sore.


Keep the Beach public for all to enjoy

Still think that we should go back to FRAM, as their proposal was the best one and would be an asset to the town. I do not trust the current council to vote as to what they individually feel is best for our future. On every issue the vote is in lock step except for one councillor. Voting as a “block” as to what the mayor votes, does not represent us well. ck”

Wasaga should NOT be selling our property. We should hold on to our beautiful beaches for the public. Baltic will be building high rises or small rises which will be private & therefore downsizing our beaches for profit. DO NOT SELL PLEASE!

Would like to see condos, hotel and convention centre, beach front water activities fir kids……keeping the boardwalk is important….restaurants and shops! Needs a whole new look!

Wasaga Beach deserves a well planned tourist area. It should not turned into a residential, condo area where our community and visitors feel uncomfortable in visiting. This is our town, our beach, and should be an entertainment destination enjoyed by all. Let’s get it together and make Wasaga Beach a destination. The whole town will benefit!

Do not build condos on the beach, it needs to be open for everyone. Bring back open air bars and kiosks.

The beach should be shared with all Ontarion’s

I just this we have an amazing opportunity to have family’s and the young crowed, as well as eveyone in-between. Why not up date the stores, bring back some kind of Arcade with working games, continue having festivals, bike rally, competitions. Wasaga Beach is beautiful in the right light. What do we have if we have condo’s? An 75% empty building in the winter for sure. Restoring Wasaga beach to a new improved but similar concept is what is best for the community.

We must be careful in this decision. We will have to live with it for the next 100 years

Many minds will give you a clearer idea of what the new look could be. When people come to the beach and spend several hours there, they want to have things to do, especially if it rains for a few hours. They have driven for at least two hours to get here. Some indoor activities would draw them to this occasion. The benefit of these visitors is good for all the businesses in the town. Things like go carts, a waterpark and a place to have a relaxing dinner at sunset will make this area more

Let this town develop with today’s needs. Wasaga needs a new water front

Not happy with the process it is being handled

The beach is unique and should not be ruined by too much development.

It is a shame that so much is being done without public input. I fully supported FRAM and their proposal for out

I feel Bayloc is not an appropriate developer for these lands.

The town should go out to bid once again or get back to the negotiating table with Slate.

I would like to see a formal plan, drawings, etc. Of what developers are proposing. I would also like the town to ensure that certain things are included end to be included, ie an all year hotel, retail space

Who is/are Bayloc? I have used Google search engines and Iam unable to find any information on this company.

The public should have a say in what happens down there especially if they decide to use taxpayers money

I believe that going ahead with the current plan of building condos on the beach front is a BIG MISTAKE. DOING THIS WILL IMPACK, THE BEACH FOREVER. AS RESIDENTS WE SHOLUD VOTE ON THIS ISSUE BEFORE IT GO AHEAD!

It is time to rebuild the beach. Let’s bring the longest beach up to the modern era. The beach is broken, let’s get at it.

There is no question the land be sold. The “beachfront” has clearly not been at the forefront of WB strategic priorities.However, there should be significant stakeholder engagement as to the use of that land and residential development should be last on the list. There is a fantastic opportunity for tourism, Reconciliation, environmental sustainability and residential is where the town wants to take this area? There is no forethought here as to the potential for this space.

Council’s secrecy (mtgs/negtns) is very alarming. There is no level of trust with our current council that’s is a definite!

This land should not be for sale…It should remain public for the use all. Wasaga Beach relies on the beach for much of its tourism income. What does the town offer if we lose the Beach?

It is obvious that this company dose not have the capabilities. Is someone on the take?

Should not rush to sign . Election is right around the corner . If council and mayor get re-elected, then I guess they can go ahead . Personally I think that Fran group had what looked like a good plan . Not sure if I have the name right . They seemed to consult and worked on correcting concerns. Kind of feel out of the loop this time . But it would be nice to actually do something!!!

Collusion at its best….we need an audit on this council

Property taxes right now have gone up. When redevelopment projects come taxpayers know the result of more property tax coming on this project.

The Beach P1 is Wasaga it should be preserved for what it represents! Do not destroy it please!

Save P1 for what it is a beach – build houses somewhere else, anywhere else!

Stop the madness it’s P1 that makes Wasaga Wasaga!

Beach area 1 and 2 should remain as a park for recreational and arts uses. All other developments will need to be set back onto Mosley St and Main St. Main St downtown area should be a priority as it will give a clear focus for residents and tourists.

The largest fresh water beach in the world has made Wasaga Beach famous. Why would you build homes whose owners would constantly complain and petition against the visitors who have made this town what it is. I am sure that the businesses who depend on these visitors would be greatly impacted by the lost of business.

We must get an audit and must put pressure on Council.

The public should be involved and this should not be agreed behind closed doors by those who will benefit! Watching carefully!

We need plenty of taxpayer input. I have zero confidence im Town Council.

Make beach 1 and 2 Wasaga’s entertainment district for the whole world to enjoy!

We should know where our taxes go.. the developer. Should be the one with the best history in a decision this important,


The Town should be holding public meetings on the sale of Beach 1. The public should be informed of the intention and plan of the developer. What is happening at the moment is wrong. The public needs to know details of what will be proposed and how it is going to be paid for. Baycliff, in my opinion is not the developer for the job. They are a house builder and do not have the expertise to undertake a commercial/residential job of this size.

Keep our beautiful beach free from Condos etc.

With a score of a fit for the Town’s requirements of only 38%, that states that this company has FAILED to meet the criteria. Who in the Town is driving negotiations with a candidate who has FAILED to meet the criteria? The math shows this will be yet another FAILED attempt on the beachfront, with many of the same ole councillors at the helm. Obviously, the intent of this Mayor and Council is to get something signed by the October election, and their motives need to be scrutinized.

the beach front does not need condo towers; public input and approval is required; the process needs to be open and transparent

The politicians will ruin beach one just like they did in crystal beach h. This is a public beach that belongs to the public l. No residential at beach one. Period!

The beach is an integral part of Wasaga Beach and should not be sold at all, let alone in such an underhanded way. Who is this Bayloc? Fram Development came back with most attractive design for a hotel when Brian Smith was Mayor, and this council would not move forward with the plan. I do not trust this council and I want to know what is going on with this company behind the scene.

Something needs to give! It’s been too long of just talking. Our beachfront could be beautiful for tourists and residents alike which the right planning.

We need the beach to be beautiful, clean. We need our tourists back with concerts car rally, wake board. More family things to do.

Former Mayor Cal Patterson Council Members: Mayor Bifolchi, David Foster, George Watso, Stan w

Keep the beach, a beach. Don’t sell to housing development.

The beachfront properties owned by the Town are crucial assets. The Town is responsible to the residents. The residents must be informed and involved in the development direction and process. We only have one chance to get this right!

We love Wasaga Beach and yes the beachfront needs to be rejuvenated, however, not to the deterrent of our tourist industry. Where is our beach road? Let’s get someone on board who really knows what they are doing!!

The Town seems to be hiding something from the people. Meetings should be held.

The mismanagement of this area is par for the course for this council. They have no real plan and refuse to include the Wasaga taxpayers in any decisions. We need a thorough study of what they are about to do.

Must remain a public beach area, historical look needs to be maintained.

No condos on our largest freshwater beach please. Create a main St that will attract visitors all yr long. Create events that will draw people throughout the yr. Different events fir each season as well as some thst can be done all yr. This vision will attract quality busineses.

We’ve had public meetings about the sale of the beach. What’s left to say? The town Shouldn’t have purchased the land in the first place. I’ll be happy if the sand is removed from Beach Drive.

There are too many decisions of importance being made without the taxpayers having any input.

Who is Baylock??? I have surfed the internet and no Baylock. mmmm interesting huh?

We as taxpayers are entitled to be part of public meetings regarding the future of our waterfront!

These two conditions must be initiated before entering into a contract. I, personally, think the beachfront should remain the property of the Town of Wasaga.

The residents of Wasaga Beach should be allowed to ask questions and give their input in present day especially because this is a low scoring builder and also because regardless of the past public input this is a different situation now, different builder, different plans! Public inputi

Our beach is too valuable to have just anyone developed it. At present it’s one of the few reasons to choose Wasaga Beach as a destination to live in or day trip to. If developed with thought and inclusion it could be used to improve the lives of the permanent residents, business and visitors.

The beach is for all to enjoy. Do not sell it.

If the beach is sold to a developer then it will no longer be a public beach. Keep it public to all.

My concern is that the current team negotiators are amateurs, especially with the comments in Simcoe.com regarding the failed Slate negotiations, where they noted ‘next negotiations, they will set a deadline” – The issue now is that this council (and I presume the same amateur negotiators) will ram through a bad deal as to not be caught in a “lame duck” state before this falls election.

Why would anyone scare off the top 4 RFP candidates to go with 5th place? Because the Town is not negotiating in good faith.

This is a massive investment into the community. There should be 100 percent transparency and public input.

Our Beachfront belongs to everyone. Community should be part of discussions on how it should be developed. Taxpayers have been shut out

Beach One belongs to the town. Mayor and council should not make decisions without taxpayers input. Mayor and council are incompetent and only looking after themselves.

Recently moving to Wasaga Beach I am not fully aware of past negotiations and plans of selling Beach 1 for redevelopment, however, I do feel strongly that the residents of Wasaga Beach should be involved in this very important matter.

A new meeting with public input should happen again, there have been too many changes in developers and design.

Residents need to be included in the decision a detailed plan has not yet be

We have not been provided with potential concepts of what the developers are suggesting for our valuable beachfront . Tired of the “trust me” attitude of this council. Committee has been unable to negotiate a deal with the original top 2 applicants, Slate and Fram over 3 years and yet they can negotiate a better deal in less than 6 months with a company that was 2nd from the bottom on the original list. Just seems like we are being sold out to me. No transparency.

The area should be turned into a Atlantic City like destination with year round activities to attract tourists.

After lengthy consulting fees and studies over the years a master plan was put in place. We should be able to see the conceptual plans from any developer before the sale or any deal of our waterfront l properties. For a mayor that mouths the words truth matters I don’t think we have seen much of that. Transparency of the plan now is non existent.

We the tax payers are at stake for all that takes place at Wasaga Beach. We had no say in naming the Twin Pad and Library and it should have Wasaga Beach on the sign.

It’s just so hard to understand that the council members don’t see the downside to this. They live here too! The beach should be the beach as is been for decades. Please don’t put condo buildings up! There is enough space for to build away from the beach skyline!!!!!

Any lands owned by tax-payer funding need to be open for public discussion and input into the deal and what the land will be used for. The public has the right to offer input into deals such as this and have sway on the final outcome. If the town does not hold public meetings or involve the community in these types of deals there should be legal repercussions held against them. I’m not sure what’s happening with the leadership in Wasaga, but it has increasingly gone downhill.

some where along the line coucil truned against the tourist industry which created the town . the do nothing to encurage it and go out of their way to supress it.

In the twenty years I’ve lived in Wasaga Beach the beach front has always been under distress from past and present Mayor’s and council who where not and should have been accountable for their actions and decisions and the waste of tax payers money on the number of surveys performed. The only way to see the beach front grow and prosper is to step aside and let the big boys from Toronto come in and develop another Friday harbour. This town is and always will be a 12 week beach and retirement town

The mayor has never been on the side of transparencyThis property is owned by the town and should be consulted by the town tax payers. We need to think of the future and generate work and affordable housing. Promote tourism not sell it off.

It’s my opinion ,that in the event whatever developer is chosen the Town should have a strict design policy in order to prevent a wall of units facing the waterfront

The beach road should never ever be closed !! There is enough room for a one way road with parking along side the pedestrian walk and cycle .path.This is what the beach history is all about being able to drive by ,stop if you like and enjoy.The road can always be closed off if required for different waterfront events .If developed without the road ,you will be able to go back .It would be a travesty and major design error to not include the road .

lets go back too the original plan and builder if they will do it

Since sale pertains to taxpayer owned property taxpayer input is essential and taxpayer interest protected.

The current concil is doing a good job!!!!

Council’s behaviour is shameful

I agree with a complete audit should be conducted for both financial stability of the proposed vendor and confirmation of no back door agreements for personal gain to any member of counsel or relative.

An audit is required because of the town’s past action in regards to our waterfront and in how they have broken up improvement s to the town as a whole. Anything sold needs to go directly to the 13.5 loan that was used to purchase the properties in the first place.

Wasaga beach needs a downtown core with commerce not housing. The idea place to put a Casino Resort was at beach one or beach two slightly back of the beach

Let’s not sell ourselves short as this is our crown jewel

It is absolutely necessary for the taxpayers of this town to have a say, with a project of this magnitude which will have an impact on our tourism for years to come, should not be left in the town councils hands only, but a joint effort with council and the taxpayers of Wasaga Beach.

We need to be well informed, truthfully. Don’t let this happen to our jewel. This Council needs to go.

We as taxpayers have the right to know what counsel is planning for our beachfront.

We must not undersell these precious properties.

Please give us back beach drive….missing the scenic drive in all seasons. 6 storey condos in a small town and loosing our beachfront view, now only from Mosely as street covered in sand…..instead of much needed facilities such as walk in clinic, Service Ontario, high school….much smaller surrounding towns have what we are missing!

Council must consult with Wasaga Beach taxpayers on this matter

Get rid of the mayor and existing council asap

Too many in camera meetings with this Mayor and CAO. Residents are being kept in the dark. Taxpayers have a right to accountability and transparency.

The public definetly should be asked. I don,t like secrecy,.being kept from the public

This is far too paramount a decision to leave in the hands of politicians. We need to be heard.

I don’t want to see condos at beach 1…condo owners will benefit no one else

This decision affects more than Wasaga Beach residents .

The “Beachfront” development should be catalyst for Wasaga Beach’s future. One idea is to create a health and wellness area. There are others that would create a model mixed community where residents can live, work, learn and play.

Concerned Resident

This Mayor and most of her followers on her board, are circumventing the system. This is not new and she is undemocratic in her running of the council.

Can you it say “Dictatorship”?

Bayloc only scored 38% in the towns scoring it should not be even in the running

The public has the right to know the details of this transaction

Too many private in camera meetings on everything

This mayor and council are forcing through a contract without public engagement or proper due diligence…WHY?! Who benefits, who loses, what is the real deal behind closed doors?! The people of Ontario deserve to enjoy this beautiful beach. To sell it out to a 5th rare developer who has no plan or proven financial ability to pull it off is a CRIME, figuratively and likely literally.

Why negotiate with a company that was rated below 40% with the ability to complete the project.

Council should be able to continue the work they were elected to do without continual interference from those that oppose everything under the sun.

As part of any development proposal municipalities routinely hold public meetings to receive input and comments from the residents. This process applies to properties owned by the developer. It is beyond belief that properties actually owned by the residents could be approved for development solely by staff and Council with NO public consultation. This process should be put on hold and everyone running for Council in the upcoming election asked to clearly state their position on this issue.

Time for change,Get rid of dictatorship.

I don’t agree with their back door politics

I am amazed how much corruption is in the Town of Wasaga Beach. And they get away with it. It’s all about “how much money can I drain from the town and steer it my way”

this has been a difficult situation for years. Don’t give away these assets.

Contrary to the Town’s narrative about the same plan, it’s not. They profess changing zoning, changing language, changing the intent of a wholesale change of a complete “cohesive” downtown and beachfront to 5 parcels of beachfront, expanding the CIP….did not alter the plan…. it’s definitely not the same plan.

The fact that Bayloc was last on the list of preferred builders should raise a red flag. Obviously council didn’t think much of the company’s proposal so why would out of desperation would they now think this company would do a good job? I think the decision is a desperate attempt to show action since it is an election year. This haste to make a decision shows the mayor and the CAO are not working for the best interests of the town but rather looking for a list of achievements to boast about.

What is the plan for development.

Input from the residents of Wasaga Beach is an essential part of the process before sale of the property. We live in a democracy. Town council doesn’t seem to understand that.

I think the Beachfront Development should be put out for bid again.

Why is Bayloc even being considered? They had such a low score.

the town should make the properties available to a company with experience in commercial contracting.

Wasaga beachfront is a provincial if not a national level natural treasure. We need to ensure that the development of this area meets the highest possible architectural and environmental standards. Independent review/advisory body would be highly recommended. The Town so far has shown lack of competence by driving redevelopment project away form publicly consulted family friendlily space into concrete wall developer paradise. All done without any transparency or public engagement.

The beachfront belongs to the town and it only stands to reason, all taxpayers should have some input in this major di

We MUST have a say in what does on in the community.

I repeat there is a conflict of interests realized between residents of condos and tourists.

This is taxpayer owned property of our Beachfront, therefore we need to know and approve of any sale or plans concerning our beachfront property.

First, I’d like to thank you for having this survey. It’s imperative the taxpayers have a voice in this very important and large project. I believe a complete plan should be available to the public before negotiating a final deal. It is our town and The Town of Wasaga Beach council NEED’s to be transparent share the deal and hold a Town Meeting for the public.

The lack of communication from our elected council and Mayor in this process is unacceptable. This sale of this valuable piece of property and in reality the entire future of Wasaga Beach is being decided behind closed doors, arbitrarily and without input from the public. Council must reconsider their actions, as they have proceeded through this bid process without transparency and input from the people of Wasaga Beach. The future of our Town is at stake.

Please allow the people of Wasaga Beach to have a say in the development of our precious beachfront.

Responsible, accountable, intelligent, resourceful and leadership abilities is lacking from the Leadership. A more appropriate descriptive would include self-serving, pompous, self-absorbed, selfish conceited, egocentric, ignorant. You get the drift. I’ll stop now.

Never in my life have had a town council that refuse to include the taxpayers in important decisions that effect the town. What are they afraid of?

Yet a top lawyer to go after the town

FULL transparency is always necessary in honest government. A very wise judge once said,{and I paraphrase] you must not only be honest but always appear so. Limiting comments, questions time, etc, at council meetings is very disturbing to many .What is the hurry when meeting. Take the time to hear everyone and do not fear contrary opinions, and all will be better.

Still disappointed that the town let FRAM go.

incomprehensible to me as to why this project is being handled in the dark. It is ultimately the taxpayers money. What has Biofulchi have to hide?

Full disclosure should be made public. It is after-all, our tax dollars that are being spent!

The Beach is the jewel of Wasaga drives tourism which is the towns only commercial revenue generator it supports hotels restaurants and a multitude of other independence small businesses in the town mess up the beach and you mess up all of those businesses

I feel they should have a new request for proposal! I’ve seen a lot of negative comments about the existing builder.

I love Fram, he went above and way beyond to educate the community as to what his plans were.

What is really going to happen will we have access to beach’s

Finally, we have the opportunity for comments. Enough behind closed door meetings for questionable and ridiculous decisions made by this mayor and her councilors…..Bifolchi’s choice for stand alone location on the arena and library development was the final straw. This bonehead play cost the town several millions from government grants. Everything she has done from day one was to systematically tear down everything the previous mayor created.

The beach belongs to all

I believe the majority of residents do not want condos on or near beach area 1. We also don’t want condos over 6 stories high.

I believe the town own lands should be kept in the possession of the town and leased to a developer for a specified term! The developer should be responsible for the infrastructure development and build a multi purpose community that can support businesses specifically focused toward tourism. The Beach needs to be accessible to the public as well as the residents that live above the businesses. Buildings should be again multi purpose, no higher than 4 stories to not impede the beach views!!

There is no way such an important part of our town should be decided upon by only a handful of people.

Follow the money!!!!!!

Just get on with it

Time to get on with fixing beach 1 and 2 – it’s taken too long!!

I am in favour of getting the beachfront redevelopment moving, I cannot, in good conscience, agree with the sale to Ballock. Are they able to complete the work in accordance with the towns needs. We could end up with something that will not be beneficial to our towns residents. All others applying to redevelope our beachfront have had to endure an independent audit. What makes Baylock any different? If we have to forgo the developement, better safe than sorry for a very long time.

It is imperative that residents have a say regarding these type of issues in OUR town!

The Mayor does not respond to my emails and she is clearly not happy with any opposing views. Too much is done in secret with no input from residents. Also there is only one councilor who has interest of residents! There are many conflicts of interest!

thank you for this survey. It shows that some one cares about Wasaga Beach. It seems the Mayor is rushing (after taking 3.5 years to get this far) to get the deal done before the Election. I’m concerned that the ideas presented in the Master Plan of the previous council, which was very exciting, will not come to be and all we will have are condos. As residents and tax payers, we absolutely should have a say in the sale and development of the beach front.

Get a municipal lawyer for this project. The people you are fighting are too strong and crooked

When an RFP does not yield the desired results, any public institution has the obligation to re-issue the RFP. When you know that you have made an unintentional grievous error, you must correct the expectations, the Ts & Cs and the evaluation criteria. The goal is to fix it, not break it at the tax payers expense.

Transparency is needed by council. Public consultations need to happen for beachfront sale before any agreement is signed.

Mayor and council are incompetent to make decisions for this town. Beachfront is a game changer. 20 years and this is what we’re getting?

I wonder how the Mayor is related (genetically or financially) to Bayloc…are there conflicts of interests involved? What financial “kickbacks” are understood between Bayloc and the Mayor and / or councilllors?? The arena an this Lakeside enterprises seems to be a sham and highly suspect..in my opinion…

This is far too paramount a decision to leave in the hands of politicians. We need to be heard.

Bifolchi and her crew are experts about shooting themselves in the foot. Can’t wait for election time…..

Who is making all these decisions without public consultation… the mayor and crew. The public is being ignored completely. How shameful. Sell the property and we lose all control.

Council was elected to carry out Town Business, they do not need to waste time and money on Consultants or more meetings to adress this issue.

Mayor a d Town Council incompetent and corrupt.

This situation is untenable. Bifolci and Bray must have forgotten exactly WHO they work for.

All town people should of the town should be allowed to see the proposal before the council decides on a company to deign working on the site. Stop the behind the doors meeting, we pay our taxes and we deserve to have our say!

It is wrong and unconscionable, that we, the tax payers of Wasaga Beach, do not have a say nor any form of input, into the redevelopment of our highly prized beach area !

We need town meetings to discuss options for the beachfront. The taxpayers have a right to see different options, and give their comments.

This is important for the resident’s of Wasaga Beach to have information and to have access to meetings. Bayloc Developments could be a disaster for this type of development.

Transparency leads to an informed population

Baycliffe has a long history of building traditional suburban developments. It has no experience reinvigorating downtowns. Considering council struck down the previous council’s plan on the basis that a single developer shouldn’t build it, the selection of Baycliffe (Bayloc) is not comprehensible.

Failing to hold public consultations is not good governance.

The beachfront is such a landmark for the people of this community and those who have visited it for many years Having this taken over by developers would be a disservice especially without the communities say.

The mayor and councillors of Wasaga Beach are abusing their office and putting the Wasaga residents at risk. Due diligence must be done. They certainly won’t get my vote in the next election.

We the people have a right to decide, not just council members!!

No selling of publicly owed land should ever take place without the engagement of the town residences. Elected officials have a very short shelf life band should not, under any circumstances be allowed to sell off town land to the private sector without some sort of public engagement.

I can’t see why you can’t get a good developer like Blue Mountain

Said it; public meeting ms should be held before anything is down. Once started, there is no coming back!

No sale of beach. Once it belongs to someone else, Wasaga has no more control. Look at the 407 after it was sold! Bring back Beach Dr. Seniors may not use the beach and sand, but certainly enjoy driving to see the sights and activities at the beach.

At the least, an independent audit must be completed before the sale as it was done with Fram.

It is 14 years since the “Great Fire” in Wasaga Beach. Have we progressed.? NO. We need public meeting to decide what we want from Beach 1 and an audit to find a company that will be able to build what the citizens want. Decisions are changing all the time and we need a firm decision and get on with the project. Remember 15years. Too long. We might have been better off just building what was destroyed. The worked and had a great atmosphere. what company can carry out our wishes. The decisions

Build high school, create more jobs before everyone leaves

I have no faith in the current city council handling of this matter. previous council had a better project outline..

By not adhering to the principles of transparency and respect of the constituents that elected Wasaga’s council , Mayor Bifolchi and council must clearly fear their extinction as elected representatives of Wasaga Beach. Why would anyone vote for them again? A fully public disclosure, audit, and debate process concerning Bayloc is the democratic approach in resolving this issue . It will raise the bar for this and future councils in their quest to better our community and justify how our tx $ spt

The tax payers need to have a say in the future of Wasaga Beach and the beach front. I do not agree with the land being sold.

It’s time the citizens of Wasaga Beach have a direct say in how the waterfront is to be developed. Secret negotiations lead to distrust and potential future lawsuits.

The beach is an integral part of Wasaga Beach and should not be sold at all, let alone in such an underhanded way. Who is this Bayloc? Fram Development came back with most attractive design for a hotel when Brian Smith was Mayor, and this council would not move forward with the plan. I do not trust this council and I want to know what is going on with this company behind the scene.

Until there is a concept submitted for public input and BayLoc has proved financial stability to carry out the concept, no deal to sell, should be finalized. If that means delaying until after the next election, so be it. We don’t need to get into another Levy Brothers situation.

Elected officials should be given the opportunity to serve their positions after all they were elected by the majority.

this “company” is unsuited to built what we need.

Let the community have a ‘voice’

We need a voice in the redevelopment of our precious beachfront!

I do not advocate for any sale of the beach area which would remove the freedom of Wasaga Beach Residents to enjoy the waterfront. The beach MUST remain public.

There have been numerous public meetings help about plans for the beach front over the years. It is time to get on with it, quit arguing and bickering back and forth. No plan is going to make everyone happy. I also thought there were audits done when the process was done to decide on developers.

We were promised transparency in the last election. I am concerned that we are not getting it!

I thought this new council was going to be upfront with everything. How much money have they cost taxpayers because they let the Fram bid expire.

The residents of the Beach should definitely have a say in what is done with the main beach area. It should be improved to include everyone in a tasteful, attractive manner without resorting to “tacky” past design. It needs to attract families who want to enjoy the beach and also have decent places to stay as well as restaurants that are not just fast food venues.

Put money into repairing and fixing the area the tourist love, keep it commercial. No one person should own any of the beachfront area, this is a public place for everyone to gather. It is the source of WB income. Don’t allow condos to be built and then purchased by people who will only visit once a year

Accountability,Transparency,Consistent. These traits should demand a public meeting and audit of fifth rated company!!

Each tax payer should have a vote on decisions of this scale

This is our one chance to revive our community. We can not; we must not blow it!

Nothing should be committed to during the current council’s (hopefully) last term, it’s bad enough that we’re stuck with the twin pad fiasco of a pricetag. The only reason they want to sell the beach front properties is to help pay for a skating rink. They’re selling our biggest draw just to make their balance sheet more attractive.

It looks like it’s the mayors way or no way. Too many secret’s in council. Simple questions are not answered..

I just want to feel like our council cares about what the residents want. This is supposed to be a community!

We should be able to see what they ate planning

The 2022 Election cannot come soon enough! Bifolchi and Bray need to be ousted

What’s the rush to develop Beach #1 property. This current council won’t listen to the residents at all !!!

I thought our name was ‘Wasaga Beach’ not ‘Wasaga Condo’s’. Save the beach front at all costs, no condo’s !

We have the best beach and it deserves the best development

town owned land should be retained for all of the wasaga beach public. so much of the bay has been closed off to the general public from mistakes / selfish developers and there lobbied councillors. it’s time to make the beach public, large pedestrian area with beach drive closed.

Disagree with any body buying the beach front it should be owned by the town

We, the tax payers need to know what is going on in our town and now!!! No no Nina has got to go!!!

oligarchy (noun): government by the few, exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Hmmm, “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck!!”

How long will it take for the people of Wasaga Beach, full time residents, realize that Beach 1 and 2 cease to exist.

Most important thing is to vote out Joe Belanger this fall

With a 38% score for Baycliffe they should have been disqualified and a new RFP issued . Shame on the incompetence of the CAO, Mayor , DM and 4 members for their puppet regime.

We have gone through this many times and there continues to be change . The people of this community should be able to have their say. We did before, why are we not now?

This whole situation has been grossly mishandled, to sell now due to overall fatigue regarding beach 1 would be a mistake. Take the hard road

The public should be involved and this should not be agreed behind closed doors by those who will benefit! Watching carefully!

Very concerned with the push by current council to finalize this deal before upcoming election. We’re already on the hook for the Fram payout. I wouldn’t be surprised to see similar financial fallouts with this unknown entity.

There needs to be a public debate. Currently there is a deep mistrust of Council’s motives and actions…a legacy I would assume they do not want to have. This can be rectified and I would ask that Council shift their behaviour.

It’s appropriate to ask how Bayloc intends to implement the town’s vision and what concessions have been made to them that deviate from the original plan before the purchase is finalized. What changes have been made by Bayloc to increase the score from 38% to an acceptable level or has the town just significantly lowered their expectations. What is the recourse for non-delivery?


We attended several meetings prior to the present admin. Submitted several ideas. All seemed well.We agreed with Giannone’s plan to have beautiful beachfront condos, but limited in height. This would have given council an income from sales.